Note: In this article, I express my views against the recklessness of the US Government in carrying out the execution of Saddam Hussein, but not against the execution itself.
It might seem absurd to the reader that I am digging up an issue that was laid to rest years ago. But the political unrest in the Middle-East following this execution has tempted me to turn back time and express my views on the incident.
'Imprisonment is too small a punishment ; but death penalty is too severe'.
These were the two sad facts that people all over the world were torn between while judging the execution of the Great Dictator- Saddam Hussein.
This ruthless execution has raised many legal questions over the years.
As the Indian Government had rightly pointed out : the correct procedures for the case were not followed during Saddam's trial. It seemed to be a pre-planned design of the Americans to crush him. The then President- Mr.Bush had shown a certain amount of impatience to get rid of him as soon as possible. The fact that Saddam was given a chance to appeal appears to be a mere legal formality.
Soon after the execution, the separatist elements of the society used Saddam's execution as an excuse to carry out various riots all over Iraq. The execution also stimulated various terrorist groups that had been lying low- waiting for such an opportunity to launch fresh terror attacks. The minds of the people of Baghdad, especially the Sunni Muslims, fell prey to the instigation to rebel against the US Government, thus creating a total turmoil in the country.
President Bush put the lives of the people all over the world in danger, while he himself remained under high security. The man who wanted to relieve the world of a dictator, has in the process, taken away the lives of thousands of people through his attack on Iraq. The number of people who died in these attacks may even amount to more than those who died at the hands of the dictator. The abuse of soldiers after the War reveals the sheer indecency on the part of the US Government and the refusal to show the full tape of the Execution of Saddam shows utter cowardice.
Man has no control over another man's life, or his own.
Even if an execution is inevitable and is carried out for the benefit of the people, the accused has every right to defend himself in the court of Law.
But Executions like that of Saddam Hussein only succeed in teaching us to forget the past, fear the present and dread the future..
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